L | U | C | I | A | N | O | L | O | N | G | O |
Luciano Longo The poetry of matter The importance of capturing a subject in its essence can only emerge when an artist enters deep into the spirit of a substance and following natures guidelines, moulds his creation, marking its evolution and emphasising his "miraculous" talent. It is the mixture of silence, meditation and observation that captures the vital signs within the material itself and prevents a careless gesture from ruining what nature has already provided. This is the first step that Luciano Longo takes when materialising his work of art. It is also the reason why such a versatile personality chooses such different approaches which are linked in turn, to fundamental symbolic elements: classical elegance, mythological figures, the merging of different materials, the emphasis on colour. These are all used with specific objectives in mind and include both the development of the sculpture and where it can be located and admired. Beauty is interpreted as an emotion, provoking strong reactions and curiosity. The face with its eyes half closed seems to be deep in contemplation, while the contours of the body reverberate with passion: the force and energy of life. What also stands out is the softness which these sculptures enclose, almost as if that's just how they were meant to be. The artist's decision to leave some parts of the sculpture rough gives the impression of wanting to maintain a link between what the piece displays and what its origins are, just like an umbilical cord that links the material to the making of the sculpture itself. Lidia Mazzetto |